Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 9

Tonight I went to Moksha Flow Music at 730pm. I wasn’t sure what to expect after the last Flow class I went to with Brittanie. The room was dimly lit and when Karen came in she started the music. There was a malfunction so the music came on blaring loud for a moment, which made me think of Brittanie’s class with the super loud 60s music. The music tonight was so relaxing and with the dim lighting I almost felt like I was there by myself, even though the class was packed. I pushed myself to my edge tonight to try to overcome the muscle tightness I had last night and today. I think it worked because I feel much better already.

My mat was positioned close to the door and since it was beyond sweltering with all the people in the room Karen opened the door a couple of times for a minute to let in a bit of fresh air. It is an incredible feeling to be that hot and all of a sudden feel a cool breeze – both times she did it I felt like my energy levels spiked. I really enjoyed the flow class, I am thinking I may even like it a bit better than the regular Moksha classes, I am going to have to make an effort to go more often. I spent lots of time in Shavasana at the end of class to let my body rest. One of my friends hurt her knee tonight on a deep stretch so I have to be so careful not to injure myself, otherwise this challenge could become pure torture.

Most challenging pose tonight:

Crow Pose – Bakasana

Interesting article “Why Work Life Balance is a Fantasy and What You Can Do About It”  that was tweeted by @mokshaDanforth and @mokshachtown

My new favourite treat I tried for the first time tonight, Strawberry Fusion Tic Tacs. They have the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon, and they are so delicious!

Day 9 complete, on to double digits tomorrow :)

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