Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 25

Tonight I went to Kenny’s Moksha Music class at 530. I am really enjoying the 530 classes, so it is worth getting to work early so I can leave a bit earlier at the end of the day and not be rushed to arrive on time. I loved tonight how the sun rays were beaming in the studio during the class and it got gradually darker in the room as the class went on – without Kenny having to adjust the lighting. It is nice to leave class without it being pitch dark out like it has been lately (before and) after the 730pm classes.

Calming but challenging class tonight, I love Kenny’s classes, especially the moksha music ones. I felt good tonight, pushed hard, sweated lots, felt a bit dizzy in rag doll pose but I pushed through. The music makes the class fly by, recently I find I push myself further in the poses during the music classes in comparison to the regular moksha classes. I guess it is like running on a treadmill, you always run a bit faster when you have music playing…at least I do anyways.

An uneventful class, nothing out of the ordinary/interesting happened tonight to blog about. Hmmm...well, I did find a loonie on the shelf in the girl’s locker room and donated it to the Karma fund. Everyone can always use lots of good Karma :)

Favourite pose of the evening:

Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

After this 30 day challenge I will be travelling for a week so I am sure I will go through yoga withdrawal. I have my iphone loaded up with some yoga apps. I also found this little infographic from Greatist called: “Yoga on the Road”  including "bathroom break" yoga stretches that you can apparently do in a miniature bathroom even on a plane. Quite funny but great tips..not sure if I will attempt to try it, I can only imagine getting stuck in a pose during turbulence...can’t be very safe.

Friday tomorrow already! I’m really looking forward to Airlie’s afternoon guided meditation class...I will have to work magic to arrange my schedule to get there but it will be worth it :)


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