Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 14

Today I went to Airlie’s 10am Yin class. I have been looking forward to this class all week after my first experience to Yin last Sunday. Airlie started the class with having us set an intention by asking ourselves a deep question, and today’s class was to act as a container of insight to the answer of our question. By setting an intention it really opened us up to our emotional, spiritual and vulnerable self. 

She said most times the answer is inside of us and we just need to peel back the layers. Throughout the 5 minute poses Airlie talked about not trying to find the answers to our deepest questions, that if we just live, the answers will appear. What we feel inside of our bodies we should love and we should not necessarily waste time trying to explain to others how this feels. We don’t need to feel pressure to always have it together, we need to give ourselves permission to just be.

Airlie talked about two of the five koshas. Annamaya kosha is the physical body. It can be sattwic, rajasic or tamasic. The word sattwa means harmony, balance and tranquility  where you create a balance between activity and peace. Rajas means dynamic, active, violent.  Pranamaya kosha is composed of prana, or life force.  Prana is the force or energy for all kinds of motion. Prana is a Sanskrit word meaning movement, motion or vibration. I love learning all about this. 

Airlie read us some quotes which touched on patience and gratitude. She shared an emotional story about her experience at a meditation retreat and how the physical pain she was feeling was released emotionally, and how she was able to heal. It was very inspirational. I learned so much about myself today and really listened to my body and my heart. 

We ended the class in a receiving Savasana instead of a resting pose. All covered up with a blanket, a bolster under my knees and a pillow under my head; I was one of the last to leave the moon room as I didn't want the class to end. It was truly an emotional and freeing class. 

Challenging pose of the day: 
Seal pose / Bhujangasana

  Ending today’s blog post with “A Love Letter” – with deep gratitude of yoga. Namaste. 

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