Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 20

This morning I went to the 8am Moksha class with Karen. Excellent class – I was sore but the poses really helped to stretch out my muscles. We focused a lot on core and spine strengthening today. Can hardly believe we are 2/3 of the way through the challenge...

Challenging pose of the day:

Powerful Pose / Utkatasana

As part of the 30 Day Challenge we get to attend two workshops with Heather MacMillan Owner of HM Life Coaching and Training. Today’s workshop was called “Finding Balance off the Mat - an Examination of Life Balance".  Here is a summary of what we learned at the workshop:

-Work-Life Challenge – never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
-Finding a balance between “paid work” and a personal life has become a significant issue for 50% of the labour force, both women and men.
-Feeling overloaded with both work and family responsibilities is a big stressor for many.
-Life balance is an ever changing dynamic process that requires continuous adjustment.
-Life balance is doing an asana like tree pose or dancer’s pose or like riding a bike, sailing a boat – you are continuously making shifts to stay in balance.
-Although continuous balance is impossible you can tell when your life is out of balance and take steps to correct it. Life balance is all about the choices you make and the good news is the little choices can make a big impact.
-There are five balls of life we juggle everyday – work, health, family, friends, spirit. The work ball is made of rubber so if it drops it will bounce back. The other four balls are made of glass so if you drop one it will become damaged - it will never be the same as it was before.
- “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least” – Johann Goethe
-Remember that the life work balance will shift every day, and it is okay to have times that are busy and there is no balance as long as you can communicate this with your family and then make sure you get back on track when the busy period is over.
-The other thing is to do what you can do to reach a balance and then be happy with the situation.
-Observe the mind – if there is that little negative voice – let it go – do not attach yourself to it (Metaphor – sticky fly tape) otherwise self sabotage takes hold – old subconscious patterns to run the show.
-Clarify your values, your priorities. Take steps towards a more balanced life, and then be content with what is going on and what you are doing.
-Learn to say no without feeling guilty.
-Then there will be contentment, peace, and life will be a lot less stressful.
-Choose to find balance – reclaim your time and lead a more fulfilling life.

 Looking forward to the next workshop "Keeping the Momentum, Goals for Success" on November 3rd :)

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