Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 23

Tonight I went to Kenny’s Moksha Music class at 530pm. It felt like it did before the challenge, just the right size, not too packed. I felt weightless tonight, the strongest I have been in a while through the balancing poses and no stiffness in my muscles. I am a little shocked as I thought by day 23 I wouldn't be able to move from not having a day of rest; I really surprised myself that I seem to be recovering quickly between classes and getting stronger each day. I did go a lot this summer but only 3- 4 times a week so going the extra has really pushed me. I plan to go 5 times a week after the challenge is over. 

I thought about doing the 7 day cleanse with Brittanie for the remaining 7 days of the challenge but I am  almost vegan already (minus the tiny bit of milk I put in my coffee), that I am not sure what else I could remove from my diet. I also didn't want to give up my 2 cups of coffee habit a day either; I love it too much :)  It would have been great to do the cleanse to find out all the recipes as Brittanie is vegan too. I want to celebrate this challenge completion first, and maybe do a Brittanie cleanse in the future when I am ready for another challenge :)

Favourite pose tonight:

Rabbit / Sasangasana  (we did the modified version but I could not find a photo of it)

And for a little inspiration to get us through the last 7 days of this challenge (and any life challenges for that matter) check out this video. This woman is brilliant and right on the mark, her name is Danielle LaPorte, author of “The Fire Starter sessions”.  She created a video called “A Credo for Making it Happen (for best results watch daily).

Just last week she launched a poster, it is a nice visual to summarize her video's key messages :)

 Tomorrow I am going to Hot Hatha, I have only been to it once before…can’t wait to try it again :)

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