Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 13

Today I went to Moksha Music at noon. The class was packed, 45 people were there, the largest class I have ever been at. The class was so hot, I realized today that when I say I sweat buckets at Moksha, that is a huge understatement and an exaggeration.  There was a man beside me who was in excellent shape but he really met my definition of sweating buckets. The whole class I could hear the sound of heavy rain drops hitting the mat, so much that I had to move my mat farther away as the puddles kept moving towards me.  I guess it is a good thing to sweat that much as it shows he is very healthy…but I had no idea that was even possible to do…he must have lost 10 lbs of fluid in one class…very impressive.

I woke up with a stiff collar bone and shoulder. Not sure if I slept wrong or it is just wear and tear from 13 days straight of yoga. Some of the shoulder poses were taking its toll today so I am looking forward to going to Yin tomorrow morning to stretch my muscles deeply.

Challenging pose today:

Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II:

This afternoon was the Dune’s Gallery Sale and I got some great stuff for my meditation room. Two more meditation mats, a shell bowl for my gem stones and a gorgeous hibiscus wood carving Buddha. It is so beautiful!

Check out this life size Buddha, it was gorgeous but it was also $4000!

Today I am grateful for beach days. My most favourite place in the world where time just stops…I am grateful for the sound of the waves crashing, the sunshine on my face, the smell of the fresh air and salt water - everything about it. Beach days all year round are incredible, I can’t seem to get enough.

This afternoon at Shaw's Beach in Brackley

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