Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26

Today I went to Guided Meditation at 1pm with Airlie. This is my second class as part of the challenge and I really love how it breaks up my day and the way I feel all afternoon when I return to work. I don’t know if it was because I was a bit tired or because I was able to get in such a deep state of relaxation from the Nidra class the other day but today I started to drift off sitting up, cross legged. I jolted a few times no matter how hard I tried to concentrate on Airlie’s voice.

Airlie asked us to clear our mind of any thoughts we had. She then said for us to let the thoughts in and focus on one, a negative thought in particular. She asked us to think of how we felt when we focused on this feeling, how are facial expressions were, what our body was feeling inside, maybe even a colour that came to mind. She then asked us to think if we felt any different from when the thought came into our mind, and then after we did the sensory exercise. We then did the same thing with a positive thought and then compared the differences we felt from when we did the exercise with the negative thought. She said if only everyone would do this exercise before responding to a negative situation, and take the time to think about it before reacting.

I really enjoyed the meditation but when I unraveled my legs at the end of class both of my feet were asleep. It was such a pins and needle sensation that I had not experienced with doing meditation on my own before. 

I went back to work with a clear mind and felt so great the rest of the day. I wish this class was offered more than once a week, I would love to go more often.:)

 Found this article called “How to do Mindfulness Meditation”. I have really been making an effort to be mindful everyday.

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